when will me endless money blowing on girly stuff end? GEESH. i really need to budget myself...or try never leaving my house lol. i went to pick up my contacts today and i decided to stop by sallys since it was on my way home. i initially went in there for a nail polish thinner because i have a couple polishes that are thickening up. i really need to stick to my plan A lol. as soon as i walked in there i was WOW'ed because they now have a whole wall just for nail art stuff, how could i resist?!!!! there were a million and one things i wanted to get BUT i took a deep breather and told myself "you can always come back next week for more" lmao. so these were my chosen few....

the dotter also has a detailing brush on the other side; hmm double yay! all in all today was a very successful purchase day! lol im going to give myself an adorable manicure and pedicure today; and i shall post up pictures tomorrow!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GIRLLLLLL GO GET SOME NAIL ART GOODIES FROM SALLYS!!
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