Its in my daily routine to be home from 7-8:00; without a miss because im so stuck on my soap opera! lol sadly it ends this Friday, but the beautiful thing about that is ....another one always takes its place haha. after my novela was done tonight i remembered i was out of cotton balls and lotion(you know its just impossible to live without lotion) so i decided to take off to target to get some. i actually decided just to stop at walmart because it was closer. i was debating because target has OPIs and ESSIEs which i wanted to check out, but egh i was feeling lazy tonight. i got my cotton balls; and my lotion and decided to stop by the little back to school section they have to check out the organizers that they usually put out for the people dorm shopping.

i found this little cute green one for only 3.00! im a sucker for colored organizers. so i decided even if i didnt need it, i was going to get it anyways lol

it has this little flip cover on the front which is just adorable; and i think its the only reason why i wanted to get this lol.

i also got this blue one pictured above($5.00). i have one in white already, but that one is full up and i truly was running out of space, so these two organizers came in handy.

i promised myself i would ease up on nail polish buying until i actually wore all the ones i recently purchased but i knew the second i saw this that i had to have it! this is minted by Revlon.

i love LOVE mint green pastel colors like this. pictures can grasp how sexy this color is in person. i have one very similar to it from essie; but i do like Revlon polishes, and hmm you can never have too many nail polishes; atleast that is my motto! lol

next i moved it over the lippies! the one lipstick i am dying to have had already ran out. that pretty much crushed me because this is the second time i go to look for it and they are all out. im going to have to go check somewhere else because i really do want that Revlon nude lipstick every one talks so much about. i did however find two of the rimmel lippies that i didnt get last time. they both look similar in pictures, but they are very different in person. i love these both. i have this thing for baby pink lips, these are like my 8th and 9th tube of pink lipstick lol.

aren't they adorable though? how could i resist? i also decided that i wanted a peach blush since i love the maybelline one i have. never hurts to have a variety of options when it comes to blush. this wet n wild one looked so adorable. i haven't tried it out yet but the color looks like it would go great with my skin tone.

it also says that its oil free and for people with sensitive skin which is a plus. im gonna do a review on it as soon as i try it out.

i bought one of the new maybelline quads just to try it out since i heard the colors were decent. lets see how that goes. the one pictured above is copper chic.

i also got two of the regular quads because those are pretty good! i bought "time for wine" and "designer chocolates". you can never go wrong with smokey brown eyes. i was going to get the Revlon foundation; BUT then i stopped myself because its still summer and i might just get darker, or lighter...who knows! so im going to hold off on buying new foundation until sept/oct because usually by then my skin settles into whatever color it is going to be for the cold season.
I love the mint polish! ♥. What shades are the pink lipsticks? I'm still looking for my perfect pink ;
ReplyDeletedont worry child <3 i'll do a post on pink lipsticks for you =)