So, as mentioned in the previous blog; i bought two new containers for my ever growing makeup collection. I try not to stock up too much because i barely use makeup on myself(like heavy duty eyeshadow + concealer) and it DOES expire so i dont want to waste money. I am however starting to buy more things for my kit(the makeup i use on other people); so i needed a new system that helped me organize my stuff aside from the stuff that goes in my kit. I randomly decided at like 11:00pm that i was going to fix all my makeup stuff up and switch some things around. (you can enlarge the pictures for a better view by clicking on them!!)
so, this is the area where i try to keep most of my stuff. it was taking up so much room before because i kind of let it get out of control; but it seems to be working so far. i keep all my nail art stuff separate because egh that would just be TOO much clutter for one side of the room. i usually dont do my makeup here; i tend to do it in my moms room because she has a wall to wall mirror and better lighting; or i take it over to the bathroom. p.s i know you guys LOVE my Edward Cullen life size stand up haha!
this is the first shelf. i honestly dont remember where i got this; its been that long. it comes in handy. im always changing around what i put on here but for now this seems to serve its purpose. the round box is just where i put random papers and mail that i haven't opened.
first shelf: this is where i keep things that i use on a regular. my little magnifying mirror, face lotion, contact water, my contact case, my toners, and that to the far right is a specimen cup from work haha that i use to put alcohol in so i can disinfect my makeup. handy dandy huh? lol
second shelf: these are the nail polishes i use the most. i use to keep them in boxes, but egh it got annoying having to open and close; and just the storage wasn't working for me because i paint my nails ALOT. so i figured i'd put the nail polishes i most frequently use on a shelf. i do classify them by brand so that they are easier to find.
this really works for me because i have them in my face; which encourages me to use them. also it reminds me what colors i have. another thing is when i had them in the box, sometimes i would forget to even try the new polishes and they would just get lost in the sea of colors. this works so much better; i love it!
the third shelf; is just where i keep my color scheme books, my portfolio book, my makeup look scrap book, my bobby brown makeup books, baby wipes, a cloth to wipe off my brushes, ear cleaners(in the container), and mascara and lipstick disposable wands for when i do other peoples makeup.
this little section is for my nail art stuff/nail tools. here i keep nail clippers, cotton balls, manicure/pedicure tools, nail art polishes and stickers etc.

in this little container i keep all the nail art stickers, and anything else that is nail art related.
this is my second little section where i keep most of my makeup. Edward guards it with his life lol. muahhh i love him lol.
in this little basket i keep a jar with my face brushes; blush brush, all over face powder brush, and a foundation brush. i also have nail polish removers, nail dry spray, my vitamin E oil and my tea tree oil. the green case in the background is where i keep my falsies.
i had all my brushes in a pencil case; but that was no good because some of the bristles were getting messed up; so i stuck them all in a second little jar.
these range from every kind and brand you can imagine. you can never have too many eye shadow brushes because they all work differently.
here you see some cotton swabs that i use for cleanup; rubbing alcohol that i use to disinfect my makeup, and a spray bottle that i use to spray my stuff with alcohol.
in this little pouch i keep my falsies. i dont really have more than 5 pairs at a time because i dont wear them on a regular. i tend to have more around prom season time for the girls to chose from if they decide to go with falsies.
to the left starts my little glorious tower of makeup storage bins. i got this white one at either target or walmart; but i highly suggest going to walmart during the back to dorm season because they go down in price like crazy. i payed around 10 bucks for this one, and found one yesterday for five!! they are very handy and comfortable!
in drawer 1/3 are all my single eye shadows. they range from mac, to loreal HIP, to sephora, to everything else you can imagine!
in 2/3 are all my gel liners, mascaras, brow gels, concealers, and some liquid liners. basically anything eye related will be in here.
3/3 is all lip stuff. here i have lip balms, chap sticks, lip sticks, glosses. you name it, i got it lol. brands range from high end, to drug store. i love them all.
the next tower is this blue organizer that i recently bought.
drawer 1/3 holds all my blushes
2/3 holds all my palettes and duos.
and 3/3 has all my face powders and bronzers.
the next stacker i also purchased from either target or walmart. this one was around 5-7.00$ to the side of the tower is my MAC fix plus that i adoreeee!
drawer 1/5 is makeup wedges
2/5 is samples of things i want to try before i buy
3/5 are my jessies girl eye dust; which are awesome so this will be FILLED soon!
4/5 holds all my cream eye shadows; primers; and bases.
and 5/5 holds misc brushes that are too small to fit in the jars.
this last stacker i bought at walmart for 3.00$ in the college dorm section yesterday! i adore it, its just so darn cute!! lol
your room is like a girly heaven. that's all i gotta say!
ReplyDeletehaha, yes it is! i love it!