i also know that witch hazel makes for a great toner; so i picked some of this up as well. i have been using another brand astringent for my face(which pretty much works just as good) but this bottle was bigger; so i went with this one. the one from the other brand smelled WAYYYY better; no next time i might stick with the other brand. Dickinson's witch hazel smells......really bad lol. not to the point where your gonna throw up; but egh its not the nicest smelling thing in the world. which leads me to my next point; tea tree oil IS SOME REALLY STRONG SMELLING STUFF PEOPLE!! i suggest you take a whiff of it before you buy it because not every one can stomach these two, let alone together. So, the trick to making the toner is to combine these two together. since i cant use the tea tree oil on its own, and i didnt want to buy products with tea tree oil in it(because they always add extra stuff and i dont want to risk breaking out worst) i decided to dilute the oil using the witch hazel. witch hazel can be used for pretty much anything from cuts; to bug bites; to treating minor burns. in other words its really good for disinfecting; which you need to get rid of all the dirt and oil from your face. and in return the tea tree oil is also good for killing bacteria; which causes break outs. i dropped about 20 drops of tea tree oil into the bottle of witch hazel; you can change the amount you add in according to how much you think your skin can handle. After you wash your face, take a cotton ball and put some of it on there(shake it well first!!). it feels a little tingly; but this is great because you can really feel it in there working! the smell goes away after a little while; it can be over whelming at first; but im sure you get use to it. my skin feels great right now; not too greasy or dry. im gonna do an update on how this works for me in about a month; so i can give it time to work its magic. so far so good though.

i also decided to get some vitamin E oil to add to my face moisturizer. i bought some vitamin e capsules BUT i saw this also and decided to get it because it was thinner than the oil from the capsules; and since i have greasy skin, i didnt want to run the chances of this making me super oily.

i took this baby and poured some into my cetaphil lotion. i also poured some into my body lotion as well because you can never get enough vitamin E, specially now with getting so much sun and drying out your skin and what not. i've been drinking nothing but water and real fruit smoothies to try to get my body to rid of all the oils and toxins that it doesnt need. i never realized it but sometimes i would go days without drinking a drop of water; and thats just not acceptable. im hoping that these changes in my routine give me some results; and i will be back to update you guys on it!! also, if you cant find the skin oil; just go ahead and pinch open some vitamin E oil capsules and drop it into your face or body lotion! vitamin E works wonders as far as evening out your skin tone; and lightening up dark spots from acne!
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