Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Vacation time!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Tea Tree Toner Review
I first started out with the witch hazel astringent. honestly, i didn't like the smell of this; so i used it for like a day and then decided it wasn't for me. it didn't smell; it just....its more of a preference thing. i heard it works very well; but i preferred the astringent that i was using before; regardless all astringents work the same; they just smell different and have different brands.

i decided to go with the sea breeze "sensitive skin" astringent because i have been using this one for over a couple of months and its pretty good. i have super sensitive skin; and it irritates over anything, so i rather stick with this if its working.

so my next step was the tea tree oil; if you wanna know more about this read the previous post where i get more into the benefits of tea tree oil. the trick to this is getting the RIGHT ratio of tea tree oil and toner. if your more than half way done with the bottle, you don't want to add too much. and if the toner is new; you don't want to add too little. tea tree oil is VERY STRONG!!! so be careful how much you add!! it took me 3 attempts to get the right amount! so i basically had to mix 3 different toners. the first one with the witch hazel was too strong. the second one with the sea breeze was a little too strong as well. the last attempt was the best. here's the deal; if you use too much tea tree it can give you a chemical burn!! SO BE REALLY CAREFUL! if it is a full; new bottle of toner; DO NOT ADD MORE THAN 8 DROPS!!! i know its very tempting to want to add more BUT trust me tea tree is so strong that just 8 drops will do the job!! so once again, DONT SURPASS 8 DROPS!! the next warning: DO NOT APPLY MORE THAN ONCE AT A TIME!! this was my mistake! i would take one cotton ball and clean my face with it; and then i would do it a second time to "make sure it was clean". DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOTTTTT DO THIS!! your skin cant handle two swipes of this stuff. i got a chemical burn from it and my face turned ALL RED!! it was the worst; so let me chemical burn be a lesson to you guys!! other than that lets move on to the actual review!!

after my chemical burn i stopped using the tea tree toner for a couple of days until my skin came back to normal. the chemical burn suckeddddd lol; so let that be a lesson to you guys. after it was back to normal i took my artistry toner; and put 8 drops of tea tree oil. trust me 8 drops does the trick. ALWAYS make sure you shake well before using so that the oil can mix with the toner. I SAW A DIFFERENCE IN JUST TWO DAYS!!! tea tree is AMAZING FOR SKIN IF YOU USE TO WISELY!! i highly recommend this stuff!! as long as you use it in moderation i guarantee you will see a change in your skin!!
along with using this toner, and putting vitamin E oil in my moisturizer; i recommend buying an aloe Vera plant! i cut off a piece and put it on either once or twice a day. not only did it help with my chemical burn(if you do get a chemical burn from over use of tea tree i HIGHLY RECOMMEND A ALOE VERA PLANT); but it also helps with the actual appearance of your skin!!
so the trick to better skin? 1. find a good cleanser 2. add 8 drops of tea tree to your toner 3. dont abuse the tea tree oil 4. add vitamin E to your face lotion 5. aloe Vera plant !!! this has SAVED my life guys! i cant explain how bad it sucks to have bad skin out of no where. my esteem was floor level high; i barely wanted to go out. it was horrible!! im going to stick with this regime because its truly working; and everyone has noticed and has been asking me what im using!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hey lovelys!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Bobbi Brown Makeup Mannual!!

Vickies sale!

Recent Makeup looks
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The body shop seaweed ionic clay mask review

Brand: The Body Shop
Price: 22.00
What does this do?: "A deep-cleansing mask treatment with algae extracts and combined natural ionic clay action to draw impurities from the pores and absorb excess oil. Enriched with minerals to condition and revitalise the skin." - The Body Shop
Rating: 2/5
My review: im not gonna lie i was soooo excited to use this because i have heard that sea weed is good for your skin; and combined in a clay mask i figured it would do wonders. one thing that's annoying about this is that the instructions don't tell you how long to leave it on for so i guess you just have to...guess. right when i put it on it started to tingle which i figured to be a good thing. i could literally feel it working in my pore. after like 5 minutes with it on; my face started BURNING! it was no longer a tingle lol. it was so bad that i had to get something to blow my face with air. i soldiered it and kept it on for about 10 minutes and ran to get it off. it felt fine after i took it off; but after i let my skin air out for a while before i put my lotion on; i noticed that my skin felt really irritated! i know your thinking maybe that's part of the clearing your face part; BUT your skin shouldn't feel irritated! i gave this product such a low rating because i honestly feel its not worth the 22 dollars! there are way cheaper masks that work way better and don't leave your skin feeling the way this did. its different for everyone; but ask for me; i will not be using this product again. not worth my money; or ruining my skin over. and to top it off this morning i woke up and my skin was still irritated! me giving it two stars was nice of me lol. i suggest before you spend 22$ on it; ask them for a sample and try it on your face first!

Make your own natural toner/lotion

i also know that witch hazel makes for a great toner; so i picked some of this up as well. i have been using another brand astringent for my face(which pretty much works just as good) but this bottle was bigger; so i went with this one. the one from the other brand smelled WAYYYY better; no next time i might stick with the other brand. Dickinson's witch hazel smells......really bad lol. not to the point where your gonna throw up; but egh its not the nicest smelling thing in the world. which leads me to my next point; tea tree oil IS SOME REALLY STRONG SMELLING STUFF PEOPLE!! i suggest you take a whiff of it before you buy it because not every one can stomach these two, let alone together. So, the trick to making the toner is to combine these two together. since i cant use the tea tree oil on its own, and i didnt want to buy products with tea tree oil in it(because they always add extra stuff and i dont want to risk breaking out worst) i decided to dilute the oil using the witch hazel. witch hazel can be used for pretty much anything from cuts; to bug bites; to treating minor burns. in other words its really good for disinfecting; which you need to get rid of all the dirt and oil from your face. and in return the tea tree oil is also good for killing bacteria; which causes break outs. i dropped about 20 drops of tea tree oil into the bottle of witch hazel; you can change the amount you add in according to how much you think your skin can handle. After you wash your face, take a cotton ball and put some of it on there(shake it well first!!). it feels a little tingly; but this is great because you can really feel it in there working! the smell goes away after a little while; it can be over whelming at first; but im sure you get use to it. my skin feels great right now; not too greasy or dry. im gonna do an update on how this works for me in about a month; so i can give it time to work its magic. so far so good though.

i also decided to get some vitamin E oil to add to my face moisturizer. i bought some vitamin e capsules BUT i saw this also and decided to get it because it was thinner than the oil from the capsules; and since i have greasy skin, i didnt want to run the chances of this making me super oily.

i took this baby and poured some into my cetaphil lotion. i also poured some into my body lotion as well because you can never get enough vitamin E, specially now with getting so much sun and drying out your skin and what not. i've been drinking nothing but water and real fruit smoothies to try to get my body to rid of all the oils and toxins that it doesnt need. i never realized it but sometimes i would go days without drinking a drop of water; and thats just not acceptable. im hoping that these changes in my routine give me some results; and i will be back to update you guys on it!! also, if you cant find the skin oil; just go ahead and pinch open some vitamin E oil capsules and drop it into your face or body lotion! vitamin E works wonders as far as evening out your skin tone; and lightening up dark spots from acne!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Nail Art