I'VE BEEN BOUGHT!!! so as any regular, working woman; i
dont always have the time to go to the salon. i hate the waiting, the having to be there super early just to not get out of there by 7; and i hate that you have to go by their schedule. how great would it be to have someone just do your hair when ever you have the time; or when ever your free? well since the salons
dont usually open
Saturday's are too packed; and weekdays are for working; i decided that
hmm maybe
i'll do my hair at home. lets admit it ladies salons are rough on the wallet sometimes; dishing out 25 + dollars a week adds up; and
thats money we could be spending on some FAB shoes!!
i've been hunting around for a hair care line that i can use at home and
isnt in the million dollar budget and i think i have a winner. its the SEXY HAIR line. mind you this line comes in a couple different branches; they have the BIG sexy hair; CURLY sexy hair; HEALTHY sexy hair; COLORED sexy hair; and etc. so they basically have a sexy hair line for what ever hair needs you have. the line has GREAT reviews online and people are loving these products so
im going to give them a GO.
im leaning more towards
BIGsexy hair since its suppose to give you this super star volume (
hmm we'll see about that). but hey! never hurts to try.
i'll let you guys know how those work out for me. have you tried them?
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