Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Bulletin Board Project

so this is the board after adding all the flowers; adorable right?

after i got it hung up; i took thumb tacks and evenly spaced them out on the board; i took all my accessories and organized all my earrings in 2 craft organizer that i bought at walmart; and decided to only hang necklaces on the board; i hung a pair of earrings or two that were too big for the organizer and a bracelet that wouldnt fit either. i gave tons of the stuff i knew i wouldnt use to my sister because there is no point in collecting things you know you wont use. now that i can actually get to my stuff easier; im gonna buy another board and go out and get some accessories.

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Coming soon!
- PALETTES! where to get really good; highly pigmented palettes for a great price
- HIP DUOS review
- Color theory lesson
- Solution for nail polish organizing
- Jewelry organization tips and tricks
- Essie's to look out for
- Mac lippies to look out for
- FOLICA heaven
- GIVE AWAYS!! (depending on the amount of feedback i get)
there is some good stuff coming soon peoplessss. so stay tuned!
Friday, December 4, 2009
My name is Alba Iris
- i am 20 years old
- from Boston
- i am Dominican
- i was born in Dominican Republic
- i am a graphic design major
- i hope to get into aesthetics after i get my design degree
- i LOVE make up
- ..oh and cant forget fashion!
- im hoping to become a freelance makeup artist in the future
- i want to move to CA when im all done with school
- i love playing around with COLOR
- im working on both my graphic design portfolio as well as makeup
- i have a pet fish named bobby light
- my camera is a Nikon d60
- im a twilight fannnnnnn
- team Edward and Jacob!!
- im very girly
- im good at rockband
- i love singing
- this is what i look like with no makeup....
- i have a facebook; and a myspace; you are free to add me on facebook; but i no longer log into my myspace =(
- i love learning new things
- i love everything beauty
- blogging is a hobby =)
- i love writing; whether its in a journal or inspirational pieces; i just love it; PERIOD.
- i enjoy helping and making people feel great and look great
- im OCD
- i love organizing things haha
- im a movie junkie
- im a laboratory technician
- yes i work at a laboratory; no i dont work with lab rats lol
- im currently looking for models for my makeup portfolio!! so drop a comment or an email!!
the first one is Nutrilite Natural Multi Carotene(pictured above). this is what Amway claims...
"This powerful blend contains all-natural, fat-soluble carotenoid compounds from algae, palm fruit oil, and marigold flowers. It’s much more like the mix of carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables than the isolated beta carotene in many supplements. This provides better nutritional and antioxidant value. Carotenoids help protect your skin, and the added lutein and zeaxanthin help protect your eyes. Certified halal bovine gelatin.
•Helps fight free radical damage created from smoke, pollution, exercise and regular breathing.
•Provides 4.5 mg of beta carotene, the equivalent of 7,500 IU of vitamin A (retinol) –as much as 1.8 oz. of cooked sweet potatoes or 2.9 oz. of cooked spinach.
•Provides 1.07 mg of alpha carotene, as much as 1.04 oz. of raw carrots.
•Provides 1.12 mg of lutein and 45 mcg of zeaxanthin, as much as in 5.23 oz. of corn."
ladies and gents they are NOT lying. i give this product a 5/5. a week or so after taking 3 pills a day with a meal; and following up with my skin care routine i started to see BIG changes in my skin. not only was it clearing out all that oil i had in my pores, but it also helped alot with my oily skin problem. well worth the money; and they just lowered the price on the Amway website.
the second one i take is the Daily Multivitamins. i am the worst eater; i eat alot of junk food, and i dont eat any vegetables at all. it got to a point where i was always out of energy and i started losing weight because i was constantly eating(which sped up my metabolism); but it was all junk food so i was getting zero nutrients or vitamins. losing weight sounds good; but not when you do it in an unhealthy way. i take these one a day, and they help fill in the little gaps of the things i wouldn't get in the foods i eat everyday. i think these are a little more expensive by a few dollars; but you only take one a day and it brings 180 tablets.
all in all; these two vitamins are very worth the buy. i was a non believer in taking any sort of vitamins daily and i honestly thought that i didnt need these; but now that i actually see the difference i will continue to buy these two and keep them in my day to day routine. dont feel restricted to only these two; Amway has vitamins and dietary supplements for EVERYTHING. browse around and see which vitamins fit you the most and trust me they are for sure worth every penny!! they also have vitamins to help with weight loss and others geared towards woman health. remember ladies; we arent 16 anymore; and we have to learn to take better care of ourselves!!

what do you guys think? OH, p.s i made it so that you dont have to have a blogspot account to leave a comment; i didnt notice it was like that; sorry!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
i made a little POLL section so you guys can vote of whether i should post about fashion as well as makeup and hair!! get your votes in!!
organize challange!
big SEXY hair!