EYE CIRCLES; they do not discriminate. at all. everyone and anyone can get them. men, women, W.E. not only are they very unpleasant to have, but horrible to look at. they can make the prettiest female look tired and worn out. having them is only half of the problem, going about covering them is also a problem; mainly because people go about it the wrong way. some people think that covering them with your face concealer does the trick; when in reality it only makes them more noticeable. others try to go a shade or two lighter in concealer and dab that on their eyes; this just makes the area around the eye lighter; and depending on your skin tone; this might work; but come on if your a tanned female, what the heck do you look like with super light eyes? an idiot; that's what. so here are the juicy; simple; great tricks to get rid; or hide to the max the dark eye circles. first you have to look at your circles and figure out what shade of under eye circles YOU have. not everyone gets the same shade; some have purple, some have blue, some have green; and depending on what shade you have, this determines what color you need to correct it. this brings me to another fact; there is a difference between concealer and corrector; although they work hand in hand; concealer does what it says; conceals and gives you a more even skin tone. corrector CORRECTS skin discolorations or redness in the skin. it can basically
help you hide things like freckles, redness in blemishes, and our friends; the dark eye circles =) Maybelline has these wonderful little things called "cover sticks" which come in the common color corrector colors; green, white, peach, orange, salmon, and pink, amongst other shades(since we established that everyone has different skin tones and dark eye color combinations). i know what you thinking; green? orange? WTF? breathe. each color does something a little different than the next. this is simple color theory. complimentary colors cancel each other out, turning into a neutral; this is also true with skin. the GREEN correctors work on redness. in other words they can tone down the redness in blemishes; or around your nose, where ever you choose to apply it. this comes in a stick, or powder palettes. and NO; it doesn't appear green on your face, unless you have a crappy one, but physicia
ns formula is a great inexpensive option. yellow tints such as; yellow, orange, and peach; are what gets rid of eye circles because they cancel out purple and blue tints. which one you chose depends on your skin tone. yellow; for fair skin; peach for med skin tones, and orange for darker skin tones. you can also get away with pink corrector if you have really fair skin and fairly light circles. if the color isn't the only problem and you have puffy eyes, or recessed circles; you can add concealer to help hide them. recessed circles should go one shade lighter than your regular face concealer, and puffy eyes; a shade darker. there are many different options as far as correctors go, its just about finding the right one that is right for you. sometimes you might notice that you have two shades of dark circles; or that they aren't always the same color, this is FINE. the best advice is to look into palette's. PIXI has a quad palette so that you can customize your eye circles. this is the most inexpensive way because you have four colors that can cater to the specific color of your circles. no matter which one you get; the key is to BLEND it into your skin with either your finger; or a small concealer brush. HOPE THIS HELPED LADIES!! =)

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